Wednesday, September 17, 2008


The first blog that I found was really neat, but not here in the United States. I will include a link here so that anyone interested in checking it out can do so. The blog is from a first grade class in Canada. The teachers name is Kathy Cassidy and I thought that there were some really neat features on their blog, but I will not go into detail since it does not fit the criteria for this assignment. However, you should definetly check it out!!Mrs. Putnam's fifth grade class
Another blog I found that was being used in the classroom was Mrs. Putnam's 5th grade blog at Salem Elementary School(pictured above). It appears that the blog is mainly used s a tool for the students and parents to keep up to date with current assignments and things going on in the classroom. It doesn't seem as if the students are very interactive with the blog. Only the teacher seems to post to this particular site.

Mrs. Myrmel's third grade class The class pictured above is Mrs. Myrmel's 3rd grade class. This teacher mainly uses her class blog to let everyone know what is going on in the classroom. The teacher did have the class post comments to the blog telling everyone about what they did over the summer. The class is learning quite a bit about the Monarch butterflies life cycle and has even tagged and released one that was raised in the classroom. I thought that was very neat!! I really enjoyed looking at these blogs. As a parent I would love to have access to a blog in my child's classroom. What a great way to be involved in your child's education!!!

1 comment:

Jennifer Averitt said...

Great Job! I have found it amazing at how the elementary schools are using blog. This just showes that all ages can utilize blogs.