Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators and Students Statewide also known as ACCESS, is a wonderful resource for high school students in Alabama. Students can now take many different courses including: core, advanced, honors, AP, dual credit, elective, remediation, and supplemental courses via the Internet. This allows students, no matter where they attend school, to access courses that in the past weren't always readily available. The courses are taught on the web, as well as interactive video conferencing. A blended approach is also utilized to address students varying learning styles. Not only will this help high school students with their current learning objectives but it will also prepare them for college as well. They will learn how to navigate the web and the computer with ease.
Not only will the students benefit from this new distance learning program but the teachers will also gain extended resources and will have the opportunity to provide feedback for course improvement. I think that this opens the door to many new and wonderful opportunities for students and teachers here in Alabama. I do not think that this is a resource that I will utilize as a teacher since it is geared toward the high school age group and I will be teaching at an elementary level.

1 comment:

Jennifer Averitt said...

Great job. Excellent point regarding how ACCESS can assist students with various learning styles. Who knows what courses will be available several years from now. Your students may be able to utilize ACCESS at some point in the future. Some four year old's know more about computers and the internet than most of us. Keep up the good work.