Monday, August 25, 2008

My Google Presentation

My first project will of course include my daughter! She is the biggest part of my life! Everything I do is for her in some way. It will include my many duties as a mother, such as being room mom, team mom, rolling reader, etc... I will also include my involvement in the PTA. I have been a board member now for 2 years at Baylie's school and truly enjoy being involved and encouraging other parents to become involved as well. I will definitely include some of my favorite photographs. I love taking pictures of lots of different things. I may include my family since they are such a big part of my life. That is all I have for now. I am still thinking about what all I will put in the slides. Funny that the project is about me but I think of my daughter mainly and the other people that are such important parts of my life! Bye for now!!!!


Jennifer Averitt said...

What a BEAUTIFUL daughter!!! Great Job on your post. Keep up the good work.

Brian Allen said...

Cool blog!

But, I could biased.