Thursday, December 4, 2008

What I learned in EDM 310

Well, I will say that when I left the first class I was feeling very intimidated. It seemed like the workload was going to be way too much for one person to handle and I wasn't sure that I would understand the material either. It seemed way beyond my grasp: blogs, podcasts, etc... I am happy to say now that I really gained a greater understanding of technology and its importance in the classroom.
I really enjoyed this blog. I know that I will use this wonderful free resource in my classroom. I think that blogs provide a wonderful communication tool between the parent and the teacher and even more than that I think it provides the students a wonderful avenue to display their writing and other works. I love that they can also be given immediate feedback from a wide audience. I enjoyed learning about podcasts as well. However, I enjoy watching and listening to them more than I like making one. I do believe that they can be used as an educational tool whether students be making them or watching them. It was also great getting to learn about all the free resources that are available.
The only thing I would like to have learned that we didn't was how to create our own web page. I think that could have been a very useful tool as well! Otherwise, I really enjoyed this class!!

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